What is SGB?

Songbird, Flare’s Canary Network marks a key step for the entire industry in enabling tokens on networks without smart contracts to be used trustlessly and in a non-custodial manner for the first time with scalable smart contracts. Flare’s technology, which is the engine behind Songbird, is a scalable, low carbon, low cost, highly decentralized smart contract platform that runs the Ethereum Virtual Machine and utilizes Federated Byzantine Agreement-based consensus. The platform’s native token Spark (FLR) will enables Flare to unleash the tremendous value in diverse ecosystems and blockchain communities. Flare is unique in that it derives its network structure from its underlying integrated networks, leveraging the decentralisation and security of the underlying networks. Flare’s development team features experts from the worlds of electronic engineering, distributed systems, quantum computing, mathematics, computer science, quantitative finance and risk management.

SGB was first tradable on 28th Sep, 2021. It has a total supply of unknown. As of right now SGB has a market capitalization of USD $5,559,843,319.31. The current price of SGB is $0.371 and is ranked 2966 on Coinmarketcap.

SGB has been listed on a number of crypto exchanges, unlike other main cryptocurrencies, it cannot be directly purchased with fiats money. However, You can still easily buy this coin by first buying USDT from any fiat-to-crypto exchanges and then transfer to the exchange that offers to trade this coin, in this guide article we will walk you through in detail the steps to buy SGB.

How to Stake SGB

1. Get Metamask on PC/Mobile – https://metamask.io
2. Head to https://chainlist.org and add Songbird RPC to your metamask
3. Get your private key/seed phrase for Flare Network and proceed to import it to metamask.
4. After you have set up the wallet go https://hewg.org to wrap SGB
5. Wrap your SGB to WSGB
6. Then go to the delegate tab and choose the amount to delegate